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Our priority is the education of the children, and thus we try hard to make teachers' workdays as efficient as possible to allow them to focus more of their time with the students.

Hundreds of teachers have used Gradicus, and they agree: it's much easier and more efficient than other better known programs such as PowerSchools or Headmaster.

And Gradicus is only a fraction of the cost, which makes it ideal for new or smaller schools (but big schools love it, too).

If you agree, please share Gradicus with other schools. In return for your efforts, we would like to reward you.

  • When a new school joins (aka Gradicus) and commits to a full-year subscription through your referral, you'll receive $1000 cash. We'll send it to you via PayPal within a week after the new school's first subscription payment.

  • We'll also give your own current school (if they use two free months subscription.

All you have to do is let us know immediately when you refer a school to us, and we'll take care of the rest. Send us an email at to claim your referral (this will be verified with the new school).

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